We respectfully acknowledge the Ngunnawal people, the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work and learn, and pay respect to the First Nations Peoples and their elders, past, present and emerging.
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Dear SCA Families,
This coming Sunday is the feast of Christ the King. In a time when the plight of the poor is obvious, and the excesses of the rich are embarrassing, the idea of Jesus as an earthly king can make many people uncomfortable (myself included, particularly as a staunch republican!). Jesus as a prophet, as a teacher, a healer and Jesus the meek servant is perfectly acceptable but Jesus Christ as King of kings, a judge and the dispenser of justice; is not the image of Jesus most prefer to consider.
When the feast day was first introduced, Christians were being persecuted for their faith by governments around the world with particular atrocities being carried out in Mexico, Spain and the Soviet Union. Pope Pius XI thought the world needed a reminder that Christ was the King of kings.
The kingship of Christ was to symbolise that Christianity is an all-encompassing religion and that no part of the life of any Christian is beyond the rule of Christ the King, their divine sovereign in Heaven.
The kingdom of heaven is one in which those who serve others are the ones who do God’s will. To acknowledge Jesus as our king, is to give him the authority to help us behave in such a way as to bring the kingdom of heaven to fruition right here, right now. As Christians, we are to act in love for those around us by the command of Jesus, our king.
That is what the kingdom of heaven is, and I have to overcome my republican preferences in this one.
Mobile Phones (and other connected devices)
In addition to actually teaching, teachers are challenged with the task of being aware of what each child in their class is doing at all times. This is to ensure the safety of the child and their wellbeing from physical and emotional harm, as well as other unsavoury influences.
The primary school classroom of 2021 is different to that of ten years ago, let alone 20 years ago. Though pen and paper are still used all day, ICT is ever present.
Increasingly, some of the ICT devices are not owned or controlled by the school, which can create problems of supervision.
Many children come to school with a mobile phone and/or smart watch. Though these are not required at school, some parents like to know their child can contact them after school in case of emergency.
While at school, however, they are not required, and cause more problems than they solve. Unfortunately, children, sometimes, choose to do the wrong thing, even if it is only to “follow the crowd”. The ability to send messages to others, while they are meant to be focussing on school work, can be a significant distraction to the individual, class and teacher.
If your child brings to school a mobile phone, please remind them of the following:
- Once at school, all mobile phones are to be switched off, and kept in the school bag.
- Once in class, phones are to remain off. Some class teachers will collect all phones each day for safe keeping.
- If a mobile phone is used at school (either directly or indirectly, such as through a smart watch), the teacher will direct the student to turn off the phone, and hand it in for the rest of the day.
Thank you for your cooperation in this important safety and wellbeing issue.
COVID Safe Measures
At SCA we continue to operate under tighter restrictions than other “businesses” in the community. Though this is a challenge, and restricts our ability to gather as a community, we are reassured by knowing the measures enhance the safety of our students.
We are presently exploring options for the Year 6 Graduation, Semester Two Award Assembly and Kindergarten Nativity. Our aim is to adhere to relevant regulations, but, where possible, allow for as many parents and family members to attend.
Student Absences
As parents, we know that it is a legal requirement for us to send our children to school. As a school, it is a legal requirement for us to record student attendances, and document reasons for non-attendance.
Though remote learning meant schooling changed, we still were required to record student attendance, which was done in light of engagement with the on-line learning program.
Understandably, many children have had some time away from either the classroom or remote learning this year. It may have been because of a cold, hay fever, or even the requirement for a “mental-health day”.
We need your help, please, to ensure we can finalise our rolls before the end of the year. Many student absences so far have not been adequately explained. We are required to receive formal notification of any student absence, regardless of how short or long.
If you know your child has been away, please send a note via the Compass App, the front office or teacher to explain the absence (if you haven’t already). Later this week we will send home notes to parents whose children have absences that are as yet unexplained. Please reply as soon as possible, with a quick note, providing a reason for these absences.
School Fees
A reminder that school fees are now overdue, for those who are not on a regular direct debit with us I ask that you settle your account with us as soon as possible so that we are able to meet our budgetary commitments.
Semester Two Reports
Your child’s teacher is in the process of preparing Semester Two reports. There is a great deal of work and energy that goes into the writing of these documents, and I thank the teachers for their efforts. Reports will be made available to parents, on the Compass App, on Friday 10th December.
January Holidays
Our fantastic Outside of School Hours (OSHC) team run an engaging and fun holiday program for SCA children during January. Further information, and enrolment forms, will be available next week.
Please contact Pam (OSHC Director) or our front office for further details.
Please have a look in your home for any SCA Library books that may not yet have found their way back to their own home. You can help us to minimise the number of books we need to replace by returning them as soon as possible please.
Community Council Meeting
The next, and final meeting for the year, of your Community Council is next Tuesday 24th of November at 6.00pm.
It was once said…
“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – John Powell
Blessings to you and your family. Be the light.
Matt Egan-Richards
Eucharist Celebrations
Our Year 5 students will celebrate their First Eucharist next Friday 26 November at 7pm. The students, families and teachers have been waiting a long time for celebration of this sacrament, due to lockdown during the initial planned dates. Please keep everyone in your prayers as they make their final preparations over the next two weeks.
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
Our school proudly supports our local St Vincent de Paul chapter in helping those in need over the Christmas period. Please remember to bring in your items for the Christmas Appeal.
Kinder Packet of jelly, lollies and chips
Year 1 Fruit mince pies and sweet biscuits
Year 2 Tinned ham, salmon or tuna
Year 3 Christmas pudding and Christmas cakes
Year 4 Tinned corn, beetroot, pineapple or veg
Year 5 Tinned Fruit and long life custard
Year 6 Bottles of soft drink and fruit juice
If you wish to give other than these suggestions such as decorations, Christmas crackers or toys, please feel free to do so. All donations will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your continued support.
World Youth Day Celebration
All families and youth are invited to mass and a picnic in the piazza to celebrate the feast of Christ the King and World Youth Day in our archdiocese.
Congratulations to the children who will be awarded white cards this week.
Year 2 | Lilli L, Caitlyne M |
Year 3 | Adam B, Issac C, Amaya D |
Year 4 | Mila B, Sofia K, Cooper M, Mikayla M, Chloe P, Hayden P, Ella W |
Year 5 | Lucas B, Nethidu K, Ryder O, Imogen P, Grace W |
Year 6 | Alison B, Parker R |
We are excited to announce that this event is back on!
Save the date for Week 9, Thursday 2nd of December. It will still be taking place on our SCA oval.
Our colour day this term is also being combined with our annual 'Purple Happy Day'.
We are busy finalising plans for this eventful day and cannot wait to share it with our SCA community. We thank you for supporting this day, especially in the fundraising. We are blown away by these efforts - well done everyone!
We will be using our previous permission slips for this event. If you are new to SCA, you will receive a note shortly. Please note, if circumstances have changed since you last signed the permsission note for your child/ren, and you wish for them to not participate in the colour course, please contact Miss Swain or Miss Barron to update these as soon as possible.
Jordana.Swain@cg.catholic.edu.au Holly.Barron@cg.catholic.edu.au
Absentee notes will be emailed home this week, please see below on how to process absentee notes in Compass: